
A Christian school

At Solgården we are proud of many things; the school is good-looking, the teaching is good and our students thrive!

But there is one thing that makes us proud above all others: In our school, Christian faith is at the center of things, and we take the words of the Bible seriously. We believe, that The Bible is God's message to man.

You are most welcome!

You are most welcome!

Being a Christian school does not mean, you must be a Christian yourself in order to attend. Everybody is welcome and can expect full respect as a person and human. In fact, this is one of the strongest messages in The Bible; that any person deserves and must be given respect and value.

Christian faith is part of everyday life
Christian faith is part of everyday life

Christian faith is part of everyday life

That Christian faith is apparent in everyday life at school means that every day begins end ends a short message from the Bible, worship and a prayer. In addition, we have lessons with Christian subjects and fellowship arrangements that promotes Christianity.

During free time, many students volunteer to set up Christian activities such as worship nights, bible study and prayer meetings.

Luthersk Mission

Luthersk Mission

Solgården is associated to ”Luthersk Mission” (a fellowship of Christian churches and congregations inspired by the Bible and the German theologist Martin Luther). Read more about our school values here.